World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) is commemorated annually on October 20th. The date marks a year-long campaign – led by the International Osteoporosis Foundation – dedicated to raising global awareness of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.
This year’s World Osteoporosis Day campaign will share real patient’s stories in an authentic and multi-ethnic, visual context revealing the human burden of the disease and/or celebrates the success stories of individual patients who have been empowered to take charge of their condition. Please see the Key Supporting Documents and Application Process sections below.
A special focus will be on osteoporosis as a family affair. Please see the WOD toolkit for further information:
The idea is to feature patient photos and the related personal stories which integrate family members. The portraits should show real patients and feature either:
Patient with family caregiver
Two generations of a family with osteoporosis
Patient with grandchild
Please note that a written patient story is required with each portrait.
Key Supporting Documents
The following key supporting documents are for your reference and use:
Application form to be completed by the CNS
Authorization form to be completed by the patient
WOD visual guidelines 2020 including application guidelines & process and technical instructions for the photographer
Application Process
Find a patient with family member who is willing to be photographed and to share her/his story. Either a man or woman, preferably over age 50, with a family member (should be reflected in the story).
Complete the application form and send it to Anastasia Soulié via email to along with the Authorization form. The deadline for the application is June 30th, 2020.
The International Osteoporosis Foundation will inform you if you will receive the grant (distributed on a ‘first come first serve’ basis) by email, the first week of July 2020.
If your grant application is accepted, have the photographs taken and write the patient story.
Please forward any questions to: